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Nurturing Your Mindset
DJAB • June 29, 2021

How a "growth mindset" can change your path to wellness

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Wellness begins in your mind. In fact, wellness begins with your mindset. Your mindset is the ideas and attitudes with which you view and feel good concept approach the world. In order to truly be healthy, you must begin with a healthy mindset.

Is a fixed mindset holding you back? Cultivating a healthier "growth mindset" can help you improve wellness. Here's how.

Is your mindset getting in the way of making positive changes in your life?

A growth mindset is a belief that we can develop our talents even further. We can "grow" our abilities through hard work, a willingness to learn and an openness to feedback.

Consider to nurture a healthy mindset
So, what can you do to strengthen your growth mindset?

Welcome feedback, criticism and suggestions for improvement.
Criticism can feel threatening or demeaning. That triggers insecurity and defensiveness. But, criticism can also be very helpful. Stay open to the idea that feedback can help you build a new path forward.

Look for opportunities, not roadblocks.
A co-worker got the promotion you wanted? You can choose to see that as an obstacle to your own success or choose instead to learn from that co-worker. How did she get there? Can you do that, too? Stay open-minded to new ways of doing familiar jobs.

Build a support network.
Working with a health and wellness coach can help shift your perspective, but you can also turn to like-minded friends to help motivate and support your wellness goals. Those friends can remind you: There're opportunities inside every disappointment.

Priming the mind can be a powerful tool. Remember those students who improved their math scores after hearing the message that everyone can learn, change and grow? Delivering that same message to yourself can help you begin to cultivate a growth mindset in order to achieve your wellness goals.

You are in Control of Your Health and Wellness
Generally speaking, most people have given up control of their health and wellness. Our society tends to rely on pills to make problems better when they occur rather than look for and address the underlying cause. Most people also take a passive role in their wellness only thinking about their health when something goes wrong. Many folks feel helpless, like their fate is beyond their control.

Even if you are struggling with a chronic illness, your fate is not predetermined by your genetics. Chronic illnesses result from a misalignment between our genes, our environment, and our lifestyle. While you may not be able to cure your chronic illness or get new genes, you can alter your environment and your lifestyle so that you can better manage your condition, and in some cases, even turn off those genes that are expressing themselves in a negative way.

Eat Healthy to be Healthy
Eating is about nourishing your body. We often associate so many emotions with food. Unfortunately, this isn’t always a healthy thing to do. Many women have an unhealthy love-hate relationship with food; either eating large amounts of unhealthy “comfort foods” or restricting foods due to poor self-image. Instead of using food as a coping mechanism, use it to empower your body and make it stronger. When you eat a healthful diet you will be healthier, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Love Yourself First
When you really love someone, you would do anything in your power to care for that person. True wellness requires you to love yourself unconditionally. When you love yourself, you will do what it takes to nurture yourself and stay healthy and well.

Wellness is Personal
When it comes to wellness, one size does not fit all. Wellness is highly individualized. It starts from the inside out. What is good and healthy for someone may be bad and unhealthy for another person. In order to be truly healthy and happy your life must be in alignment with your personal vision of wellness. This requires a lot of awareness, listening to your body, and nurturing yourself based on what you know to be good and healthy for you specifically.

Each Part of our life effects all areas within our lives
Wellness is multidimensional and encompasses every aspect of your life including, your physical health, mental health, diet, physical activity, relationships, work, home environment, social life, finances, recreation, etc. If any one area is weak it will weaken another area. The key is to strengthen each area to your satisfaction in order to achieve your vision of wellness.

Each Part of our Bodies affects all Parts of our Body
The human body is made up of several different systems and mechanisms working together in order to maintain homeostasis and your overall health and well-being. If any part of your body is struggling to do it’s job, it will affect other parts of your body. In western society, we have a tendency to compartmentalized health. True health and well-being requires a more holistic, integrated approach.

Wellness is about Lifestyle, not Quick Fixes
We all want instant gratification and quick fixes but that just isn’t reality. Ever wonder why crash diets never work? It’s because sustainable change happens over time. Wellness is an on-going process not a one-time event. Achieving wellness takes commitment and enthusiasm for living well.

Wellness is about living your best life
We all want instant gratification and quick fixes but that just isn’t reality. Ever wonder why crash diets never work? It’s because sustainable change happens over time. Wellness is an on-going process not a one-time event. Achieving wellness takes commitment and enthusiasm for living well.

Gratitude is key to living well too...
People who focus on and show gratitude for the things that really matter to them are the healthiest and happiest people. A generous 40% of our happiness relies on intentional activities related to mindfulness and gratitude.

Importance of a Positive Mindset
A positive mindset is an attitude someone has who “expects” good and desired results. The power of positivity is immense, and it can help you convert that energy into reality. By expectation, I don’t mean it to be a sense of entitlement.

Having a positive mindset can help you avoid stress. Even out of the most challenging and devastating situations we can find a silver lining.

With a positive mindset you can avoid many physical and mental diseases as well. If you don’t give weight to negative thoughts, you won’t cause your body discomfort from stress, anxiety, worry, and frustration.

Half of life’s battles can be won if you practice being confident in your abilities. A positive mindset cultivates confidence in your personality, allowing you to perform at your best because of a boosted self-esteem. You can make the right decisions at the right time with confidence.
A positive mindset doesn’t just benefit your professional life, it is also essential for a successful and lovable personal life. Since positivity is rooted in gratitude, you feel thankful for many blessings in your life, especially the people who add happiness to your life. By expressing gratitude and appreciation, the bonds become stronger, giving you access to a satisfying personal life.

How to Build a Positive Mindset
Having a positive mindset when everything is going well is easy to practice. It becomes almost impossible to think positively in difficult times.

Entering into a day with something positive is crucial. Start your day with expressions of gratitude. Everyday kick off your day by being thankful for something you already have. It could be as simple as waking up and making a mindful statement that you are grateful to be awake. It could follow with being grateful for your family, your home, your health, your life.

Another step towards crafting a “positive you” is to start any project or task with the goal of learning from it. Keep in mind, whether you complete your goal, and accomplish it or not, the journey will definitely add knowledge and experience in your life. If you start a task or goal with the intention to learn from it, you will never be disappointed. That is how you develop wisdom.

Another recommended way to attain a positive mindset is to identify the negativities in your life and remove them like a bad cancer. The more you ruminate negative thoughts the more you feed them.
When you find yourself being overtaken by negative thoughts, stop doing what you are doing and write them down. This way you will slow down the momentum of that negative thought in the first place.

Secondly, read what you have written down and evaluate if it is indeed factual. More than half of your negative thoughts will be dismissed if you simply follow this step, because you’ll discover that more than half of them are fictitious, having no connection to facts or reality.
Most of the time, negativity comes from bad experiences in the past or the haunting fears of the future. If you learn to live in the present moment, negativity will fade out of your mind.

Memories of unfavorable experiences, defensive nature towards calamities, negative people you may be holding on to, can be a cause of constant negativity in your life. You have to intentionally create positive energy around you.

Everything we experience in life is a result of our intentions, aware of them consciously or not. If you want to experience positivity during difficult times, you have to intentionally do the work to practice gratitude and invite positive people into your life.

There is no magic pill, elixir, or short cut towards having a positively charged life, except for one, and that is to practice unlimited gratitude.

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 "Providing Better Health Through Knowledge"  
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